Please consider joining more than 1,000 of your #NCAAHPERDSM18 Friends in Winston-Salem! Start your school year off with excitement, learning and fun! To learn more, please visit NCAAHPERD-SM or contact Artie Kamiya; artie@ncaahperd-sm.org or (919) 818-6486.
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249 County Road 1858
Arab, AL 35016
Carol Cranford
e-mail: aim4pie@gmail.com
(256) 506-0182

AIM 4 PIE...abc’s printed on balls…The perfect balance between academic..physical…collaborative elements. A unique way to deliver any academic content (without relay lines)…Using high energy teamwork, students find letters to build words. Learning on the RUN while having FUN! Don’t forget your PE budget because administrators love purchasing this reading manipulative!