Please consider joining more than 1,000 of your #NCAAHPERDSM18 Friends in Winston-Salem! Start your school year off with excitement, learning and fun! To learn more, please visit NCAAHPERD-SM or contact Artie Kamiya; artie@ncaahperd-sm.org or (919) 818-6486.
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Jim DeLine

C.E.O. Chief Encouraging Officer
Austin, TX
My name is Jim DeLine and I am a physical education teacher at Highland Park Elementary in Austin, Texas. Here's a bit more about me: CEO (Chief Encouragement Officer), God, Family, Blessed Husband, Proud Dad, National Presenter, Crazy Mad Minor League Baseball Fan!  If I can be of any assistance in answering questions regarding the National PE & School Sport Institute, please let me know. Especially happy to assist teachers from anywhere!